[ZF] Foundation goals survey

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Wed Jan 22 13:42:10 CET 2014

Hi there,

2014/1/21 Godefroid Chapelle <gotcha at bubblenet.be>

> 1) fund specific critical development efforts

Zope and its components are mature and devel. almost dead - it's legacy.
Zero need to invest into a dead cow.

> 2) fund targeted Zope sprints

Zope sprint will only attract the "old" Zope faces...this won't work out

> 3) fund a Zope Conference, either standalone or with another

see above

> 4) fund the creation of documentation showing Zope's capabilities

we failed a decade doing this- the time of Zope is over - waste of time...

> 5) encourage further porting of Zope onto Python 3

+1 - this is likely needed in the long term from the Plone community if
they want to move to Python 3.

> 6) cleanup and organize a Zope Consultant/Training resource

For a legacy technology?

> 7) commission and maintain a roster of Zope usergroups

The age of Zope user groups is dead - Python user groups yeah....but
who would go to a Zope user group meeting? Yawn....I tried to revive a local
Zope user group some years ago...mission failed.

> 8) some kind of joint/merged effort with the Plone Foundation

That's a possible idea.

Sorry for my harsh but realistic views on the Zope world :-)

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