[Grok-dev] Admin-UI now with (plain) objectbrowser

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Mon Aug 6 14:31:12 EDT 2007

Am Montag, den 06.08.2007, 17:20 +0200 schrieb Uli Fouquet:
> Hello Grokkers,
> in the repository there is now a version of the admin-UI with an
> integrated, very plain object browser available:
>    http://svn.zope.org/Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui/
> Lots of minor changes were applied as well.
> The layout is still subject to change and the functionality will be
> extended step by step. Anyway, I hope it is still of some use for you.

I saw the layout at the EP and I'm verry happy with what's going on. 

> Comments are highly appreciated.

I haven't had time to look at the current state, but, a reminder: Merge.
Soon. It will be even more painful if you don't.

> Keep on grokking,


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