[Grok-dev] Re: paleosoft animaltree & adder applications

Luciano Ramalho luciano at ramalho.org
Wed Aug 29 12:32:50 EDT 2007

On 8/29/07, Philipp von Weitershausen <philipp at weitershausen.de> wrote:
> FYI, I just did a little cleanup in 'grokapps' (mostly renaming stuff)
> and eggified & buildoutified AnimalTree, BookShelf and TodoList.

Thanks Philipp!

Now I am off to catch a plane to PyCon Brasil III, where I am giving a
talk and a short (4h) tutorial on Grok, and Dirceu Tiegs is giving
another talk on Grok, and will assist me in the tutorial. Let's see
how many new Grok users and contributors we drum up!



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