[Grok-dev] Re: Pushing for 1.0

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 07:03:10 EST 2007

Tim Terlegård wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2007, at 11:31 AM, Jan-Wijbrand Kolman wrote:
>> In other words, I think it would be very good to see if we can start 
>> the new year with a 1.0 release of Grok!
>> What kind of issues do you think we really should address before going 
>> 1.0?
> What is 1.0 supposed to be, a stable release or something we want to brag
> to everyone about?

I'm aiming for a stable release.

>   * a different security policy where I can put permissions on models
>     instead of views. If I have 4 models and 100 views it may be better to
>     protect the data by putting require on the models instead of the views.
>     But maybe this already works?

I want that too. But if we would work on this while targetting 1.0, I 
think 1.0 will have to wait for quite some time.

BTW, Tim, we should I guess talk further on this matter since I'm really 
interesting in ideas on how to get model-based security working in a 
Grok-style fashion.


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