[Grok-dev] Re: Working towards a 0.9 release

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Feb 26 06:46:07 EST 2007

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2007, at 12:16 , Kevin Teague wrote:
>> I'd really like to see a grok.zope.org - a nice short URL with even a 
>> single page of introduction text and links to assorted Grok bits 
>> around the web would go a long ways towards creating more interest in 
>> the project I think. To that effect, I'm willing to volunteer to help 
>> with this - I've started work on a single static page here:
>> http://www.bud.ca/files/grokonepage/
> Great! I like the simple and clear design. It also mentions almost 
> everything you need to know about grok for now on one page. Perhaps we 
> should add a second page with the tutorial later. We certainly need to 
> mention somewhere how to install grok...!
> Some feedback:

One more thing, a personal preference:

* I think the text should be justified, it usually looks better on texts 
enclosed in long vertical containers like this webpage.

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