[Grok-dev] Re: defining permissions in a module

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 13:54:29 EDT 2007

> I think these are better question to answer than, does it make it easier
> on someone coming from Rails, TG, Pylons, etc.
> If it is truly better and more productive, they will learn it easy enough.
> Zope is already a different approach to web development. But those who
> are here, are here because they think that it is a better way or at
> least can be a better way.
> So what is the future we want for who we are?
> Let us be who we are. Let it come forth from within, not imposed from
> without.

Spot on. If I may say so.


Jan-Wijbrand Kolman

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