[Grok-dev] Re: martians or grokkers?

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Fri May 4 17:01:19 EDT 2007

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> As some as you might've seen in the checkin comments, I've been doing 
> some work to develop Martian, which abstracts away the grokking logic 
> into a generic Python library. Martian isn't done yet.
> I've been calling the things that grok 'martians' instead of 'grokkers' 
> as they are called now. This because martians are the beings that 
> introduce the concept of "grok" in the novel (Stranger in a Strange 
> Land) that we got the word from. Martians grok, so grokkers are Martians. :)

Or Martijnians?

> I'm wondering though whether I should do this. I myself keep thinking 
> "grokker" instead of "martian", so I am thinking perhaps I should change 
> the word back to martian. The library's name will remain martian, just 
> the things in there will be called "grokkers".

+1 for grokker, since it's an action, not an object.


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