[Grok-dev] Re: Skinning/themeing
Martin Aspeli
optilude at gmx.net
Fri May 18 03:37:31 EDT 2007
Darryl Cousins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 19:57 -0500, Leonardo Rochael Almeida wrote:
>> On 5/17/07, Kevin Smith <kevin at mcweekly.com> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> PS: Definately look at Darryl's work, besides using Deliverance, he's
>>> even done a port of Plone portlets to grok.
>> Where is that code? I *need* to see this.
> svn co svn://treefernwebservices.co.nz/var/svn/tfws-grok/tfws/trunk
> Good luck. :~\
> There is a readme but documentation is on the whole very poor. I imagine
> that is often the case with lonely developers 'out in the sticks'.
I'd also be aware that plone.portlets, whilst well-documented (I hope)
is in the "powerful and flexible" category. I.e. there are a few
concepts to wrap your head around. In plone.app.portlets we've built
Plone-specific management UI and policy, as well as base classes which
make it as easy as possible to define new portlets (the most common task
for developers to do with portlets in Plone).
Eventually, we may want a megrok.portlets which takes some policy
decisions on how they are to be managed and makes those more easily
available to Grok applications (for example - how to invoke add forms
for portlets, how to remove and re-order them, etc.). I think that's a
separate discussion, which I'd love to have if other people are
interested. :)
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