[Grok-dev] Re: Skinning/themeing

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Fri May 18 18:47:45 EDT 2007

Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On 5/18/07, Martin Aspeli <optilude at gmx.net> wrote:
>> I assume we are still considering viewlets as the way of making
>> "pluggable" UIs, i.e. aspects of a page where you can plug in new
>> elements without modifying the view, and where you can vary the thing
>> being plugged in by context type.
> Viewlets, sure.
>> The match approach described in the email above, as I understand it, is
>> about defining a pipeline which post-processes the "bits" of a page
>> (which is of course useful for all kinds of things). It works the
>> opposite way to Deliverance, in that you start with a "composed" set of
>> markup and then selectively swap out bits of it.
> I understand it like deliverance.

Okay, let me try to invent some examples.

Deliverance-like branding

  o Designer makes a static HTML page in Dreamweaver, called theme.html

  o Designer puts a <div id="navigation" /> where the navigation box 
needs to go and a <div id="content" /> where the content of the current 
page needs to go

  o Developer (who may of course be the same person in a different 
context) writes a view for a content item. The view uses a 
main_template-like thing to get some common site structure, including 
contextual navigation (perhaps from a viewlet). The navigation has 
id="navbox" and the main output of the page has id="pagecontent"

  o Designer configures theme.html to be applied on the content in the 
pipeline, and writes a rules.xml file which says "in the rendered page, 
take the contents of id="pagecontent" and put it inside the div with 
id="content", and ditto for the nav box


At least as I understand them ...

  o Developer (who may of course be the same person in a different 
context) writes a view for a content item. The view uses a 
main_template-like thing to get some common site structure, including 
contextual navigation (perhaps from a viewlet). The navigation has 
id="navbox" and the main output of the page has id="pagecontent"

  o Designer wants the title to be a big fat box, writes in Python:

class TitleBoxMatcher(grok.MatchView):

And in titleboxmatcher.pt:

<div id="title-with-logo-bg">
   <div class="bigbox" tal:content="context/title" />

At least if my reading of this is correct, then you'd possibly need 
several ones of these.


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