[Grok-dev] Redux: Grok actions and grok.grok() cleanup

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Sat Oct 27 12:52:19 EDT 2007

I've now finished Godefroid's and my work on introducing configuration 
actions for all grokkers and cleaning up the grok.grok() mechanism to 
allow for an easier split-up of grok in the near future.

The details have already been described in a previous email [1]. The 
only visible change since then has been that grok.grok() and 
grok.grok_component() have moved to the grok.testing module, since 
they're intended purely for (unit)tests.

A not-so-visible change, but important for a clean split-up, is the 
removal of the bootstrap mechanism in grok.grok(). The bootstrap 
mechanism would configure things common to all Grok applications, such 
as 'index' being the default view for models and containers. This setup 
has nothing to do with the grokking mechanism itself, though, so it has 
now simply moved to Grok's configure.zcml. That means it's still an 
integral part of Grok's component setup, and therefore available for all 
Grok applications, but it's not an integral part of the grokking process 

Please test your applications with this branch [2]. Everything should 
continue to work. If not, please let me know a.s.a.p. I'd like to get 
this merged some time during next week (I'm thinking Wednesday because 
that's when I'll likely have some time).

[1] http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/grok-dev/2007-October/002772.html
[2] svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/grok/branches/gotcha-configuration-actions

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