[Grok-dev] Re: On CMS's in Grok

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Wed Apr 2 14:51:16 EDT 2008

--On 2. April 2008 20:32:47 +0200 Wichert Akkerman <wichert at wiggy.net> 
> How about we give people a challenge: grokify Plone. I don't mean port
> Plone to zope3 and grok, but apply the concepts grok introduces to
> Plone.

What does "grokify Plone" mean in detail? What are the part of Plone that 
would benefit from using Grok approaches (benefit for the application 
developer and for the Plone framework itself)? What would it mean for the 
Plone middleware? Which would be the impacts on the component architecture 
and the old horse Zope 2?

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