[Grok-dev] Re: five.grok and page templates
Philipp von Weitershausen
philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Aug 4 03:32:17 EDT 2008
Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> With a lot of help from Philipp, I made five.grok use
>> Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile.ViewPageTemplateFile today. This
>> is necessary to make it work with Plone, and I presume other code that
>> makes "Zope 2" assumptions as well, e.g. the user of 'here' or reliance
>> on Five's provider: expression support.
>> We made this work by overriding the ITemplateFileFactory for the '.pt'
>> extension from grokcore.view and implementing a ZopeTwoPageTemplate
>> that extends PageTemplate and uses a ViewPageTemplateFile in
>> setFromFilename(). We also overrode render() to do some aq wrapping and
>> call the template in a different way.
> Have you checked if this still works with z3c.jbot? That should be a
> requirement before using something like this in Plone.
z3c.jbot does heavy monkey patches to Zope itself. I'm not in the
business of tell you guys what to do, but I personally refuse to adjust
my code to be defensive against wild monkey patches like that. And I
think it'd be sad if a new requirement for Plone-related code was now
not to dare break something as fragile as that.
I'm also not sure what you're implying here. That five.grok-based views
should be customizable through z3c.jbot? I consider this a questionable
goal. With Grok-like configuration, views have become a cheap commodity
to produce. Which means it should also be much easier now to rely on the
Component Architecture for overriding existing functionality (something
z3c.jbot should've done in the first place).
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