[Grok-dev] megrok.yui released
Michael Haubenwallner
michael at d2m.at
Tue Aug 12 13:17:13 EDT 2008
Jasper Spaans wrote:
> Hoi Martijn & list,
> Op 7 aug 2008, om 19:08 heeft Martijn Faassen het volgende geschreven:
>> Today I've wrapped up and released megrok.yui. This is a packaging
>> of the YUI javascript and CSS library for easy installation into a
>> Grok application. It uses megrok.resourcelibrary. To install
>> megrok.yui, simply add this in the dependencies to your setup.py and
>> rerun buildout.
> I'm trying to use megrok.yui, but can't get it to work in my grok-0.13
> application: I added megrok.yui as a dependency, ran buildout and then
> modified the page templates like this:
> - <script type="text/javascript" tal:attributes="src static/yui/
> build/yahoo/yahoo.js"></script>
> + <script type="text/javascript" tal:attributes="src context/@@/YUI/
> yahoo/yahoo.js"></script>
> This somehow makes my pages disappear; is something wrong with that
> path or should I do something else to make this work?
I had a similar problem with megrok.tinymce.
I'm now using
<script type="text/javascript" tal:attributes="src
as a workaround to get the the js loaded.
I am still not sure why
does not work as expected or why
<tal:block replace="resource_library:TinyMCE"/>
throws an error
<class 'zope.tal.taldefs.TALError'>: Unrecognized expression type
"resource_library". in expression u'resource_library:TinyMCE', at line ...
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