[Grok-dev] grokproject/buildout problems

Kevin Teague kevin at bud.ca
Fri Feb 22 17:50:57 EST 2008

Emzo wrote:
> Tried to get grok up and running on my MacBook today to do a little  
> experimenting, and hit a hurdle. After issuing "grokproject -v MyProj"  
> I got the following error:
> Invoking zc.buildout...
> Unused options for buildout: 'download-directory'.
> Unused options for buildout: 'download-directory'.
> While:
>    Installing app.
> An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
> recipe being used:
> ValueError:
> too many values to unpack
> I have grokproject installed in a clean virtualenv, and I'm running  
> the MacPorts version of python 2.4.4

The 'download-directory' is not a valid buildout option (I know it was
used/documented in some Plone buildouts). You can change your
~/.buildout/default.cfg file to have the 'download-cache' setting. This will
put all the files that buildout fetches over the internet in one place, so
new projects will save some bandwidth (or if you need to run offline?). In
any case, buildout is just telling you it's ignoring that option, so it's
not the source of your problem ...

... which I have no idea about. Perhaps try "easy_install -U grokproject"
and "easy_install -U zc.buildout" to make sure you have the newest versions.
Or if you can coerce a more detailed traceback/debug information perhaps
someone has an idea.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/grokproject-buildout-problems-tp15638092p15641888.html
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