[Grok-dev] Re: Problem following the tutorial "Make use of add-ons via eggs"

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Fri Feb 29 15:01:53 EST 2008

David Bain wrote:
> Wow, glad to see someone using my tutorial, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
> Didn't even consider that this might work on a Windows system :)

I linked to it: I created a news item announcing megrok.form the other 
day on the website, and I linked to your tutorial from there.

I've seen other people make mistakes like this: run buildout from the 
'bin' directory and things not working then. I think it would be a good 
idea if you extended your tutorial with a note to that effect in the 
"run bin/buildout" section.



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