[Grok-dev] Re: [grok-br] Grok 1.0 and beyond

Noah Gift noah.gift at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 18:54:32 EST 2008

>> - *Good* form generation: zope.formlib's is too primitive comparing  
>> to
>> Django admin interface or Archetypes, for example;
> Details? How are the Django admin interface or Archetypes better?
+1 on creating an awesome CRUD tool/admin interface.  I believe, if I  
read Mark Ramm's blog correctly, that Turbogears is working on a CRUD  
tool for SQLAlchemy.  It might be a great place to get some advice.   
In a perfect world, it would be awesome of a reusable component was  
developed that worked in or out of Grok.  I volunteer to help on the  
CRUD tool, if you need help.

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