[Grok-dev] z3c.widget.tiny, resourceLibrary and automatic load of resources

Dirceu Pereira Tiegs dirceutiegs at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 21:12:57 EST 2008


I'm trying to use z3c.widget.tiny (a widget that uses TinyMCE to edit
HTML) with Grok. The widget's automatically generated HTML tries to
load TinyMCE, but there is no .js file being loaded.

z3c.widget/tiny/configure.zcml contains:

 <resourceLibrary name="tiny_mce">
   <directory source="tiny_mce" include="tiny_mce.js"/>

This doesn't mean that views that use this widget should load this JS
file automatically? This isn't happening now.

I've tried to add this to my app's configure.zcml:
<include package="z3c.widget.tiny"/>

But when I run my app I get these errors:
    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 4.2-4.38
    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 13.1
    ConfigurationError: ('Unknown directive',
u'http://namespaces.zope.org/zope', u'resourceLibrary')

The complete traceback is here: http://pastebin.ca/850206.

Any thoughts? If this question belongs to Zope3-Users, please tell me
and I will ask there.

Dirceu Pereira Tiegs
Weimar Consultoria

Hospedagem Plone, Zope e Python

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