[Grok-dev] Re: The nuisance of the change/restart cycle

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Tue Jan 22 09:45:32 EST 2008

Sebastian Ware wrote:
> I find myself spending a lot of time making small changes to code, 
> restarting the application and testing the effect of the changes.
> I understand that it is a long way until the entire Grok application can 
> be instantly changed. So I wonder if one could find a working compromise.
> What if one could mark a method or class as interactive, thus causing it 
> to recompile if it has been updated. That way one could at least solve 
> and verify problems within the scope of that method/class without lots 
> of restarts.
>   @grok.interactive()
>   def my_method():
>      # This code is recompiled each call.
> Such a solution would probably reduce my restarts by a factor of ten!

It's an interesting idea.

I hope people (Christian? Philipp?) who worked on this feature in the 
past can speak up and indicate what fundamental difficulties exist with 
reload and whether method-only reloads would not trigger these problems.



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