[Grok-dev] understanding martian

Santiago Videla santiago.videla at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 12:43:07 EDT 2008

Hi there,

I'm trying to understand the martian and grokkers idea. I want to find a way
to build some components that could be useful to build custom web apps,
using ExtJS for the client side

The user (developer) should be able to do something like this:

class ClientsWorkspace(ExtJSONView):
    listing('clients') #the id of the container

    listing_fields(['name','email',]) #columns for the ExtJSGrid

    #Configuration for the main panel
    default_view('addform') #a view that return a ExtForm in JSON format
    bind_url('editclient') #the view that will return the JSON to show on
click event

Writing that, I want to auto generate an extJS grid, that list all the
contents on the container, and on click over each record, you can edit that
record in a form, or add a new record to the container. I already did this
just usign grok.JSON and grok.View, but I was thinking on something more
generic and reusable.

Finally, is martian and grokkers what I'm looking for? maybe it's not enough
information, and besides that, my english is very short... sorry

thanks in advance

Santiago Videla

Sigue la mata dando de que hablar siempre abajo y a la izquierda donde el
pensamiento que se hace corazón resplandece con la palabra sencilla y
humilde que l at s tod at s somos.
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