[Grok-dev] Re: ZCML

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Thu Jul 31 10:29:56 EDT 2008

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hey,
> Robert Gravina wrote:
> [snip]
>> Being able to override configuration is very powerful... perhaps I 
>> should learn a bit more about ZCML and the motivations behind it 
>> before declaring it dead :) I'll go dust off my copy of Weitershausen 
>> and spend some quality time with it I think :)
> While you do this, perhaps you'd like to investigate the following for 
> us. ZCML has an 'includeOverrides' directive. This allows you to include 
> a ZCML file that overrides the configuration you already have, for 
> instance registering a different view with the same name.
> For a long time I thought that Grok lacks this feature, but recently I 
> realized that it probably does, as it's fully compatible with ZCML now.
> Here's a sketch of the experimental setup:
> You could have two modules, a and b, and a configure.zcml and a 
> configure_b.zcml. Now in configure.zcml you simply use the ZCML grok 
> directive to grok module a. Then you do an includeOverrides of 
> configure_b.zcml, in which you use the grok directive to grok module b. 
> In module b you have a different view for the same context and with the 
> same name and layer, just displaying a different text. If 
> includeOverrides works, you should get no configuration conflict and you 
> should see this second view. If this works, Grok supports overrides. :)

I can assert that this does work. Of course Grok supports overrides. 
What else... :)


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