[Grok-dev] megrok.kss AttributeError: 'module' object has no
attribute 'determine_class_context'
Andreas Knop
a_knop at web.de
Mon Jun 9 04:02:41 EDT 2008
My Problem is that I don't get KSS to work as it's explained here:
Following the tutorial installs megrok.kss Package-Version 0.1dev-r84454 to my system
The Readme in the Package told me to change 'configure.zcml' to:
<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
<include package="grok" />
<includeDependencies package="." />
<include package="megrok.kss" />
<grok:grok package="." />
Doing so is OK untill starting grok with ">bin/zopectl fg"
Following Error Appears:
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "c.\python25\scripts....\sample\configure.zcml", line 6.2-6.27
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'determine_class_context'
I get this Error when subclassing in 'app.py' like this:
class AppKSS(KSSActions):
Any suggestions?
Regards Andreas
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