[Grok-dev] Grok Admin App behind a http server.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Fri Mar 21 19:37:45 EDT 2008

Hi Fernanando,

Fernando Correa Neto wrote:

> I am currently trying to set up the grok admin app behind nginx

Seems, nginx becomes more and more popular in Zope environments :-)

>  using
> the following proxy_pass statement:
> proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/applications/++vh++http:www.mydomain.com:80/++;
> This doesn't work because it seems that all the resources are loaded
> from http://localhost:8080/@@/grok.admin/some_resource.jpg and not
> from http://localhost:8080/APPLICATIONS/@@/grok.admin/some_resource.jpg;
> I didn't check but this is prooly a custom traverser for that app?

I'm not sure, what you mean. The main point here is, that the admin
application is currently bound to the root folder. Thus, its name is not
'applications' but, well, '/' ('applications' is only a view name).

It has been discussed here to factor the admin app out of the grok core
and I already did an implementation of a 'standalone' admin-UI some
months ago. Unfortunately this was a bit overlooked among all the other
topics here. Beside this I am a bit scared about it, because a
standalone admin app would definitely break many existing installations.

If you think the admin UI should come in an external package and as a
'real' grok application (currently it is merely a bunch of views), then
we should do that before the 1.0 release.

> This proxy_pass doesn't work either:
> proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/++vh++http:www.mydomain.com:80/++;
> Has anyone ever served the grok admin interface behind any http server?

The same with trailing slash works here with an older nginx version::

  proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/++vh++http:www.mydomain.com:80/++/;

What not works then is the docgrok part of the admin UI, which indeed
makes use of a custom traverser. This thing is buggy in that respect.
I'll try to fix that.

In the long run I think also the admin-UI should make use of other, more
general object-browsers and API-tools. To build such things is currently
in discussion for the upcoming GSOC.

Kind regards,


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