[Grok-dev] Fwd: Reference documentation and workflow

Kamon Ayeva kamon.ayeva at gmail.com
Thu May 1 10:14:45 EDT 2008

Forwarding since Fred is having some issue getting his mail through to the

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fred van Dijk <fredvd at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Reference documentation and workflow
To: kamon.ayeva at gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fred van Dijk <fredvd at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Reference documentation and workflow
To: Grok-dev at zope.org

Hello Grokkers,

 At the sprint Uli Fouqet has finished and checked into trunk the
 autogeneration of the documentation in Grok to html. It would be great
 toto have this documentation on the Grok website.

 However, there's already a Plone Help Center (PHC) documentation
 section on the website with howto's and tutorials. We (Kamon & me at
 the Grokkerdam sprint) feel that both have a place in the
 documentation story and would like to suggest the following

 The svn generated documentation will be the official reference manual.
 You need svn access for it and the grok core developers can maintain
 this part, include suggestions from others and keep it sane. The
 reference manual contains the grok reference and the official
 'beginners' tutorial, but no other tutorials or howto's.

 Hopefully a rewrite rule can be set up on the website and make
 http://grok.zope.org/reference a link to the reference manual. Maybe
 even http://grok.zope.org/reference/0.12 and a /latest to accomodate
 for multiple versions.

 The PHC on the grok.zope.org can contain tutorials, howto's and other
 user contributed content. If people want to help out with
 documentation we can give them access to the PHC, without them needing
 svn access to svn.zope.org. If material on the PHC is deemed genenal
 enough, those with svn access can include it in the reference

 One thing we should be cautious about though is that half finished or
 'in progress' documentation should not show up in the autogenerated
 html on the website. Either there could be a separate 'in progres'
 directory in svn, writers can put their stuff on the PHC first, or we
 only put the 0.1X and further official released versions on the

 Your feedback & suggestions please.


 Fred van Dijk
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