[Grok-dev] Re: Cancel button in forms

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Mon May 5 12:55:56 EDT 2008

Brandon Craig Rhodes wrote:
> Jan-Wijbrand Kolman <janwijbrand at gmail.com> writes:
>> Brandon Craig Rhodes wrote:
>>> Given that redirection, by definition, is always to a URL, could we
>>> improve self.redirect() so that it always attempts to adapt its
>>> argument to a URL?
>> What does "adapt its arguments to a URL" mean? You should be able to
>> redirect to *any* URL, not just ones that are "creatable" through
>> view.url().
> Well, strings that represent absolute URLs in the Zope framework
> should already come marked with the IAbsoluteURL interface, right? :-)

Marking up a string? It sounds like you're talking about a URL object 
abstraction as opposed to a string?

Anyway, IAbsoluteURL is a multi adapter of context and request, like a view.



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