[Grok-dev] Versions field in Grok Documentation

Peter Bengtsson peter at fry-it.com
Mon May 19 19:31:23 EDT 2008

2008/5/20 Kevin Teague <kevin at bud.ca>:
> On May 15, 2008, at 6:13 PM, David Bain wrote:
> Is there anything different about permissions in grok 0.12?
> I ask because the permissions tutorial claims to be specific to grok 0.11.
> http://grok.zope.org/documentation/tutorial/permissions
> If everything is the same then the tutorial should be flagged as 0.12
> compatible.
> .
> I just fixed this by making the Versions field for this tutorial blank.
> The Versions field is a bit tricky for the Grok Documentation, because PHC
> puts up a large, "This content is outdated" message if you mark content as
> specific to 0.11 and 0.12 is released. If we pin all content to specific
> versions of Grok, there will be a lot of misleading "outdated" messages
> since it would be a lot of work to review all content as releases happen
> several times a year. Ideally the Versions field could be parsed the same
> way egg versions are so you could specify a range (e.g. ">= 0.11,<2"), but
> for now ...

I think the version field is a great benefit to the documentation.
Lots of fast moving projects suffer from outdated documentation, like

> For documentation covering stable aspects of Grok we should leave the
> Versions field blank. When new releases are made, we look at an
> incompatibilities introduced and search for now outdated documentation and
> mark it as such. This way documentation is "current until proven outdated"
> instead of "outdated until proven current".

That's it. If it's not relevant, leave the version input alone but I
disagree that you should remove the option to specify the version.

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Peter Bengtsson,
work www.fry-it.com
home www.peterbe.com
hobby www.issuetrackerproduct.com

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