[Grok-dev] martian scan "bug" (feature?)

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Wed Nov 19 11:50:02 EST 2008

Fernando Correa Neto wrote:
> Hey,
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> wrote:
>> When martian scans packages (via the ModuleGrokker), eventually it winds up
>> scanning modules that are defined via .pyc and .pyo file representations that do
>> not have a corresponding .py source file.  This, at least in my configuration,
>> leads to errors because these are typically modules left over after, e.g. a
>> module rename, where the "old" .pyc file sticks around even though its source
>> file has changed names and has new content.
> In addition I'd say that the grokker is even eager and try to grok
> anything that ends with .py, .pyo, .pyc. So if you have hidden files
> (e.g.: .__foo.py) in a directory that the grokker will take place, it
> will try to grok those files and raise a empt module exception.
> FTR, in this particular case, the hidden files are created by a samba
> share on a linux volume.

Attached is an updated patch that I *think* will let us pass in an
exclude_filter that ignores '.' files.

- C

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