[Grok-dev] broken link for tutorial

Kevin Teague kevin at bud.ca
Wed Oct 1 10:45:06 EDT 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 6:56 AM, Godefroid Chapelle wrote:

> Uli Fouquet wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Yvan Strahm wrote:
>>> Just to let you know that I tried to download the pdf of the  
>>> tutorial
>>> from this page:
>>> http://grok.zope.org/doc/current/tutorial.html
>>> and this link seems broken.
>>> http://grok.zope.org/doc/current/tutorial.pdf
>> Thanks for the hint!
>> I generated the docs from the tag branch and put it (temporarily) on
>>   https://gf1.gnufix.de/~uli/grokdocs/
>> Possibly someone with write-access could put the PDFs on the grok- 
>> site?
>> Best regards,
> I just tried to do it. Unfortunately, even though I have ssh access, I
> cannot write to the given directory, it's under jw ownership/group...

I've put the files in there (using the root account, then chown'ed  
them to jw.jw).

The PDF links are currently missing for the Reference docs and  
complete Documentation PDF,  because I took them out when I was  
working on the docs (since I was having trouble building these on the  
Mac ...)((I'd also intended to make the PDF links a bit nicer and  
perhaps put them in a sidebar-type area but haven't got around to it  

I'll look at building the PDF on the server - if that works, then I  
can update the release instructions for building the docs.

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