[Grok-dev] testing apps with grok-1.1a1

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 06:54:23 EST 2009

Carlos de la Guardia wrote:
> I tried the demo app for the Grok book, which will be coming out soon.
> It doesn't work because it uses megrok.form and as you know there are
> various problems with that, plus it requires an earlier version of
> z3c.widget.
> I'd like to be able to say covers Grok 1.1 in the book, so if I
> anybody can tell me more or less what needs to be done to fix
> megrok.form to work with the ZTK I will try my hand at that.

Hmm, yes, that would be very cool indeed. I'll have a quick look as well 
into megrok.form.


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