[Grok-dev] REPOST Re: Add Form URLS

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Sat Jan 24 12:58:59 EST 2009

24 jan 2009 kl. 18.48 skrev Tim Cook:

> class AddEhr(grok.AddForm):
>    grok.context(Ehr)
>    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(Ehr)
>    @grok.action('Add event')
>    def add(self,**data):
>        ehr001 = Ehr(**data)

def add(self, **data):
   new_obj = Ehr() # Create a new object
   self.applyData(new_obj, **data) # Apply the changes (unless they  
were supplied in the line above)
   self.context[key] = new_obj # Store the object with a key of your  
choice (think ordinary dictionary)

Are you aware that you need a root container subclassing  
grok.Application in order to be able to add an application to your  
Grok instance? This is also behaves like a dictionary, but  
grok.Application, unlike grok.Container, kan be populated during  
__init__. In other words, you can add your root Ehr object when you  
are creating your app.

Mvh Sebastian

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