[Grok-dev] grokproject configures z3c.testsetup instead of grok.testing

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Sat Mar 7 07:18:26 EST 2009

Hi Steve,

Steve Schmechel wrote:
> Why does the latest grokproject (v1.0a2) when installing the latest
>  grok (v1.0a1) set up a new project's test environment following the
>  documentation that is for grok versions 0.12 and older?

To keep compatible with Grok < 0.13.

> I know the functionality both packages is similar and I realize
>  grokproject can install older versions of grok, but should there be a
>  limit or should it adjust what it creates based on the version
>  specified?

It's quite difficult to provide different package layouts for different
Grok versions. Furthermore people could decide after creating a project
to switch the Grok version used. If there would be one project layout
for 0.12 projects and another one for 1.a1, 0.13, etc. we would
definitely run into trouble.

Currently we support two different project layouts with `grokproject`:
paster and zopectl-based ones. I'd really like to avoid to maintain more
types of projects (say: 0.12-paster, 0.12-zopectl, 0.13.-paster,
0.13-zopectl, ...).

It would be, however, okay to drop support for certain older versions.

> Observations:
> Setup.py has a requirement for z3c.testsetup and the initial tests.py
>  file assigns "test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests('music')"

Yes, to keep compatible with Grok < 0.13.

> Following the new documentation in:
> http://grok.zope.org/documentation/how-to/tests-with-grok-testing
> it looks like the z3c.testsetup requirement could be removed from
>  setup.py.  (It gets pulled in by some other dependency anyway -
>  probably grok.testing.)

Yes, when we drop support for older Grok versions. In your generated
grokproject (if it uses Grok >= 0.13) you should be able to do that.

> More importantly, the tests.py stub can be simplified to match the
>  newer documentation.
> It goes from:
> --Start--
> import os.path
> import z3c.testsetup
> import sample
> from zope.app.testing.functional import ZCMLLayer
> ftesting_zcml = os.path.join(
>     os.path.dirname(sample.__file__), 'ftesting.zcml')
> FunctionalLayer = ZCMLLayer(ftesting_zcml, __name__, 'FunctionalLayer',
>                             allow_teardown=True)
> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests('sample')
> --End--
> To: 
> --Start--
> import grok
> test_suite = grok.testing.register_all_tests('sample')
> --End--
> I don't claim to be an expert in the test framework, buildout, or
>  grokproject so I may be missing something really critical here.

I am not an expert eighter, but the layer defined in the former example
is even not used by default. IIRC it was introduced to have some example
code (for setting up layers) available, as people asked for it.

> It does makes it easier to learn or teach grok when the code is simple
>  and it matches the documentation.

You're right. I think everybody was a bit busy with all the other
pre-1.0 topics, so thank you for remembering us.

Nevertheless setting up tests can become complicated and then some
people like to have some more advanced example code in their generated
project. So we have to find a middle course between short and
explanatory code.

BTW: based on suggestions of Philipp von Weitershausen and Sebastien
Douche kicking my ass (many thanks!) there is a new z3c.testsetup
release (0.3) available, that enables developers to define layers, setup
and teardown methods in each doctest file. An introduction can be found


This release tries to stay compatible with older releases but offers
lots of new stuff.

The most important question, however, is: should we drop support for
Grok < 0.13 with grokproject? IIRC there was also no security-fix for
older versions and it would mainly mean that people using older versions
had to manually do their test setup.

Best regards,


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