[Grok-dev] Unauthorized, but only on the upgraded Grok project (bug in 1.0b2?)

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 03:44:11 EDT 2009

Sebastian Ware wrote:
> I have reinstalled my project on the production server with grok 1.0a4  
> and it works fine so I guess I need to configure something differently  
> for grok 1.0b2 to work. But since I made a fresh grokproject I don't  
> see what I need to change.
>>> class Login(grok.View):
>>>    grok.context(ProtonCMS)
>>>    title = 'Logga in'
>>>    referer = None
>>>    def update(self, login_submit=None, login=None):
>>>        # XXX: need to display some kind of feedback when the login
>>> fails
>>>        self.the_url, self.the_args = self.get_url_and_args()
>>>        if (not
>>> IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(self.request.principal)
>>>            and login_submit is not None):
>>>            destination = self.request.get('referer')
>>>            if not destination:
>>>                destination = self.url(grok.getSite()) + '/default/
>>> workflow'
>>>            else:
>>>                destination = unquote(destination)
>>>            self.redirect(destination)
>>>        else:
>>>            if self.the_args.has_key('camefrom'):
>>>                self.referer = self.the_args['camefrom']
>>> Any ideas?

Could you test this again with a grok.require('zope.Public') on your 
Login view class?

 >>> class Login(grok.View):
...    grok.require('zope.Public')
...    grok.context(ProtonCMS)
...    title = 'Logga in'

If that does work, I think I know what went wrong (and then it is also 
clearly a documentation bug then).


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