[Grok-dev] grokproject kicks a win32api error

Behrang Dadsetan bdadsetan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 11:32:14 EDT 2009

Hi Squidward,

I have no experience with 64bit Vista but I remember when installing
pywin32 you need to pick the pywin32 version for your python version.
There is a different pywin32 for 2.5 than there is for 2.6. It also
does not look like there is any 2.5 version of pywin compiled for a 64
bit platform. Not sure whether it is required but this might be part
of your problem.

We are hopeful our 2.6 support is coming soon (specially with the our
move to the ZTK as I understand it) but for now you really should go
for Python 2.5. With exact error messages in hand you could try to
approach the pywin community with
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=78018&atid=551954 and see
whether they can assist you with any installation issues you may have
with the 2.5 version of pywin.

Kind regards,

2009/10/15 Jan-Wijbrand Kolman <janwijbrand at gmail.com>:
> Squidward wrote:
>> Jan-Wijbrand Kolman-3 wrote:
>>>> ....eggbasket: Downloading
>>>> http://grok.zope.org/releaseinfo/grok-eggs-1.0.tgz ...
>>>> eggbasket: Finished downloading.
>>>> eggbasket: Extracting tarball contents...
>>>> eggbasket: Installing eggs to C:\Users\xxx\BUILDO~1\eggs which will take
>>>> a w
>>>> hile...
>>>> Getting distribution for 'zope.app.container==3.5.6'.
>>>> error: Setup script exited with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
>>>> An error occured when trying to install zope.app.container 3.5.6.Look
>>>> above
>>>> this
>>>>  message for any errors thatwere output by easy_install.
>>>> While:
>>>>   Installing eggbasket.
>>>>   Getting distribution for 'zope.app.container==3.5.6'.
>>>> Error: Couldn't install: zope.app.container 3.5.6
>>>> C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\a>
>>> Just to be clear: this error message you get on not installing
>>> zope.app.container is still on python-2.6, right?
>>> regards,
>>> jw
>> JW,
>> Yes... the Zope.app.container is not found when installing Grok under 2.6
> I was afraid of that...
> There's no binary egg for combination for python 2.6 on windows
> available on the package index:
>   http://pypi.python.org/simple/zope.app.container
> So, really we should try to get you running on python 2.5 on windows.
> Now, I'm by no means a windows expert (at all), but I would guess there
> must be a way to install pywin32 on your python 2.5 installation...
> Can anyone with a bit more windows experience please help Squidward a
> bit further with this?? Squidward could please give installing pywin32
> another try on your python 2.5 installation?
> regards,
> jw
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