[Grok-dev] KSS and Grok 1.1

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Mon Aug 9 03:55:16 EDT 2010

Hi there,

Jeff Peterson wrote:
> I think I heard something before about kss not being actively  
> developed. Anyone else?

> On Aug 8, 2010, at 9:35 PM, Edu <iamedu at gmail.com> wrote:
> > He Grokkers! I'm new to grok and I need a little assistance,
> >
> > I'm trying to use megrok.kss with grok 1.1 but I get this error
> >
> >     ImportError: cannot import name PublicPermission
> >
> > Any idea of what might be happening?
> >
> > I'll attach the complete trace just in case

I don't know what's going on in detail. The problem is caused by
compatibility problems between kss.core and Grok 1.1. Grok 1.1 requires
more recent versions of core components like zope.publisher than
kss.core is able to handle at the moment (it imports things from
meanwhile outdated locations; "outdated" in terms of recent ZTK and Grok
Toolkit packages).

There still seems to be some action on KSS. At least the KSS PyPI page
tells it is compatible with Plone 4.0 and there were two releases this
year. But that seems not to be enough for Grok 1.1. I'm not enough into
Plone (where KSS is used mainly) to tell more about plans and such.
Maybe someone else can tell more? Is there some "Plone Toolkit" version
list somewhere?

In other words: megrok.kss is compatible with Grok versions up to and
including 1.0 but unfortunately not with more recent ones. And it won't
become compatible until kss.core stops importing from old packages like
zope.app.publisher, old versions of zope.component, etc.

As there seems to be at least a bit of action going on on kss.core,
there is limited hope that one day it will work again, but overall and
personally I'd recommend to use different approaches like hurry.yui,
hurry.jquery or similar for AJAX effects.

Best regards,


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