[Grok-dev] Marketing: noSQL?

Toni Mueller support at oeko.net
Fri Feb 19 05:22:58 EST 2010


On Fri, 19.02.2010 at 15:41:00 +0530, Baiju M <mbaiju at zeomega.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Toni Mueller <support at oeko.net> wrote:
> > I start here:
> >  http://www.zope.org/
> For ZODB, please start http://zodb.org

yes, of course.

What I wanted to say is that it is imho desirable to have the zope.org
site fixed either way, and that the docs on zodb.org would benefit from
some finishing touches (although I'm already glad that Christian has
done a working website in the first place).

Eg. I was unaware of zodb.org until today, and I'm sure many other
people weren't, too. And if Joe Random User starts at zope.org, as
would be the natural way to go about, he'd end up with a bunch of dead
links. Which is about the opposite of what you typically want from any

When I attended FOSDEM 2010, I passed by the Perl stand, and they
expressed in a good way what could imho be as well a slogan for large
parts of the Zope community: "We suck at marketing".
I'm trying to change that a little bit for software that interests me,
and eg. give the ZODB more visibility of its own.

Kind regards,

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