[Grok-dev] Grok 1.2 todo list (forgot to reply to all)

Souheil CHELFOUH trollfot at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 11:41:08 EDT 2010

2010/7/8 Martijn Faassen <faassen at startifact.com>:
> On 07/06/2010 08:44 PM, Souheil CHELFOUH wrote:
>>> * exception related test failure fix (Souheil)
>> Done
> Great, thanks!
> I see that 'index.html' isn't set to be the default anymore by anything
> so we have to set it ourselves. Would it be possible to set it to
> 'index' now? I guess not as it would break existing views that depend on
> the 'index.html' behavior, correct?
>>> * merge testlayers work, cleaning up a lot of dependencies (done, I
>>> think, by me, please review!)
>> I removed some unused packages dependencies (about ~5) and added
>> missing ones (about ~3)
> I'm surprised to hear about missing packages; which packages were
> missing? Or perhaps I misunderstand you here; I think you removed
> dependencies where Grok didn't directly import from them (though
> indirectly depends on it), and added dependencies that Grok directly
> uses, correct? Because I saw you removed 'zope.app.wsgi', and Grok
> definitely depends on this. I am wondering whether we shouldn't make
> sure that we list all dependencies that are in Grok's configure.zcml in
> setup.py at least.

I checked that already and removed the packages that were not used in
tests nor in the configure.zcml
zope.app.wsgi is in the tests requirements, which is the only place
where it's actually used.
The only remaining package that is only just included by not used is
z3c.autoinclude, in the meta.zcml file.

> Note that 'setuptools' should be a dependency of Grok, I think, as at
> least Grok's setuptools depends on it. At least we've followed a
> convention of listing setuptools as a dependency until now.

setuptools is still there, I did not remove it

> Regards,
> Martijn
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