[Grok-dev] a grok installer download Was: Re: remove the download tarball functionality from grokproject?
Martijn Faassen
faassen at startifact.com
Mon Mar 1 18:09:43 EST 2010
Hi there,
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Can we make progress on such an installer?
I experimented with this myself for a little while. I haven't gotten
very far, except to come up with more requirements and ideas, which I'll
share here.
A description of the installer:
* the installer is downloaded from grok.zope.org as a tarball, like
* the user unpacks the installer, and runs an install script. This script:
* installs all required eggs into a shared eggs directory (more about
this later)
* installs a grokproject script that users can use to create grok
* when the user uses 'grokproject', it will create grok projects with
the same layout as it does today, except eggbasket is not in the
Some more requirements:
* the installer must be self-contained. no network access should be
needed to install Grok.
* no network access to download tarballs and binary eggs
* no network access to download versions lists.
* translation: the installer should contain all required tarballs, eggs
and versions lists.
* no compiler should be needed to install on Windows
* the buildout.cfg created by grokproject should work on other machines.
It shouldn't have hardcoded paths in it to, say, eggs directories.
Now some thoughts about two approaches to sharing eggs.
The approach we have now is the following:
* we recommend virtualenv --no-site-packages to everybody
* we install grokproject into this, along with its dependencies
* grokproject ensures there is a shared eggs directory
* it does this by creating a default.cfg buildout for you
We could follow this approach, where the installer does all of the above
(create virtualenv, installs grokproject into it, create shared eggs dir
and default buildout.cfg)
One drawback of the default.cfg is that it is global. It's essential if
we don't want people to download their eggs over and over again, but
it's also interfering with any and all buildouts. Normally that's all
right, but I've had a complaint from Chris McDonough a while back that
it screwed up repoze.bfg installs.
Our use of virtualenv is sort of half-hearted. We do it because not
using it leads to too many installation problems. There is work being
done on a buildout version that can isolate itself properly (like
--no-site-packages), and possibly other features, but it isn't there
yet. We should investigate what features this buildout offers, however,
as it might fix our issues.
Another approach would be to use virtualenv *more*. Instead of
installing a shared eggs cache, we download all of grok's requirements
into the site-packages of the virtualenv that our installer creates.
This will then be our shared eggs cache. It does away with the need of a
centralized shared eggs cache installed and the need for a centralize
default default.cfg for buildout. One consequence would be that any
*extensions* that the user downloads into their buildout would not be
shared but in the local 'eggs' of each buildout. Is that good or bad?
Another consequence would be that we'd need a way to guarantee that the
right versions are installed into site-packages, as we can't use
buildout to do it (or could we hack it to?). Pip?
Given these consequences, I am still inclined to stick with the shared
egg cache approach, even though it does force us to install a
default.cfg centrally. I think end-users end up with a nicer setup as a
It'd be nice if we could somehow avoid this, but I can't see a present
or future buildout feature right now that would help there (besides a
long commandline option to bin/buildout, or an alternative bin/rebuild
script that uses this commandline option. Neither are attractive).
P.S. For future reference I've attached my experimental grokinstaller
buildout.cfg. To create project 'foo', use "bin/grokproject
--eggs-dir=/wherever/i/unpacked/grokinstaller/eggs foo". But this will
create a hardcoded 'eggs-directory' in the generated buildout.cfg, which
is wrong. We need to do the default.cfg dance instead.
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