[Grok-dev] grokproject + hurry.resource wsgi resource injection
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
janwijbrand at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 06:06:42 EST 2010
On 11/14/10 16:20 , Jan-Jaap Driessen wrote:
> At the Zope summit Jan-Wijbrand and Martijn cooked up ideas for
> offloading the serving of resources from grok/zope to WSGI middleware.
> During the sprint Christian Klinger and I worked on an implementation
> of these ideas, based on work Martijn had already done in the most
> recent versions of hurry.resource, hurry.zoperesource and serf. The
> goal is to offload serving of resources to a WSGI component in order
> not to make `expensive` calls to the zope publisher. It would be nice
> if we could have backwards compatibility and some kind of easy
> migration path.
Great work!
Two thoughts:
1) Now that hurry.resource (in the newer versions) use entry points for
defnining resource libraries *and* hurry.zoperesource uses these entry
points for registering the DirectoryResource components, we might "lose"
some of the ZCA-flexibility. For example, I do not see a way to override
a DirectoryResource registration based on layer or ISite.
Maybe that's ok, but I'm not sure.
2) I'm fooling around in JJ's work to try and integrate the injection
and publihser middleware's into one. I have the gut feeling it should be
possible to not use a "composite application", but the merely wrap a
Grok application in one middleware that knows when it should either pass
through to the actuall grok app, or when it has to serve a resource.
We'll see how that works out :-)
Thanks again!
regards, jw
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