[Grok-dev] groktoolkit-releases versus grok-releases

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Thu Oct 7 08:40:09 EDT 2010

On Thu, 07 Oct 2010 01:25:03 +0200
Maurits van Rees <m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl> wrote:


> I would say if there is reason to update the Grok Toolkit with some
> new versions (e.g. a security release of package x.y) but the grok
> package itself needs no update, then you can create 
> releaseinfo/<grok-package-version>-N, so in this case 1.1.1-1

  I hate this notation 1.1.1-1. Half of the package tools out there
  fails miserably because of the -1. is ok with me.

  Usually, the forth digit is for errors in the packaging. Bugs
  (are so security issue) are the third one. Feature the second one.
  Major rewrite the first one. This seems to be pretty much a standard,
  that at first glance you know if you have to update or not.



Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands

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