[Grok-dev] Grok 1.2 upgrade issue with zope.principalannotation

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 05:25:28 EDT 2010


Today Jan-Jaap and me were trying to upgrade an application to Grok 1.2 
and ran into a problem.

In the root site manager of the database of this application there is a 
IPrincipalAnnotationsUtility registered. This utility used to be 
automatically added to a database when the application starts for the 
very first time and the database is initialized. It was added since 
zope.(app.)prinicipalannotation used to be an indirect dependency for 
Grok thru zope.app.zcmlfiles.

Grok 1.2 however does not indirectly depend on 
zope.(app.)principalannotation anymore. This means applications with 
existing database might not start.

In our case this issue was solved by explicitly listing 
zope.principalannotation as a dependency for our applications. Even 
though we do not use the functionality in there. In our case we might 
decide to remove the utility from the database and the remove the 
dependency again.

Should grok perhaps list zope.principannotation as a dependency?

regards, jw

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