[Grok-dev] zc.buildout 1.5.0

Christian Klinger cklinger at novareto.de
Wed Sep 8 10:28:52 EDT 2010

Hi Martijn,

> Hi there,
> On 09/08/2010 10:00 AM, Christian Klinger wrote:
>> i have found the bug!
> Thank you very much for looking into this, this is good debugging work!
>> The question is what can we do?
>> I mean we can pin the downloading of zc.buildout in grokprojcets
>> utils.py, something like this:
>>      setuptools.command.easy_install.main(extra_args
>>                                   ['-mNxd', tmpdir', zc.buildout==1.4.3'])
>> I hope someone comes up with a better idea.
> Thanks for looking into this!
> I suggest we hardcode this in grokproject for now, and get a bugfix
> release out. Do you have permissions to do this?

I don't have permission for grokproject, maybe you can grant access to me.
My pypi id is goschtl.

I see Jeffrey has already fixed the code in grokproject. So i think we 
can make a bugfix release.


> As a next step we need to work towards actually officially supporting
> buildout 1.5.x, as it has nice features.
> Regards,
> Martijn

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