[Grok-dev] megrok.chameleon and (custom) template namespaces
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
janwijbrand at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 15:40:25 EDT 2011
Yesterday and today, Jan-Jaap and me migrated most of our codebase to
use megrok.chameleon. However, we do rely on the megrok.chameleon's
trunk now, for this particular reason:
We noticed that the viewlet and the viewletmanager namespaces were
missing from the template context (when rendering a viewletmanager and
viewlets of course).
We started digging and noticed that Grok's idea of template namespaces
was effectively put into the options template namespace by z3c.pt (on
which megrok.chameleon depends). This would include the "custom"
namespace a developer could define through the `def namespace()` method
on views.
Can I ask the current megrok.chameleon "maintainers" (I believe Uli and
Sylvain) 1) to have a look at the patch+test
(http://zope3.pov.lt/trac/changeset/121428/megrok.chameleon) and 2) tell
me if it is release-worthy and 3) grant me pypi-permissions to indeed
make the release?
Thanks in advance!
regards, jw
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