[Grok-dev] Make self.request.principal to be an instance of MyOwnPrincipalInfo (my own class)

Hector Blanco white.lists at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 11:28:18 EST 2011

Thank you very much. It's been a great, great explanation. It has
allowed me to understand a bit better the interfaces, adapters and all
that. And, oh, well... It helped me realize that my idea won't
probably work... :D :D (it's sad, but I will sleep better at nights).

The adaptation worked properly. The process I followed is:

I made MyOwnPrincipalInfo implementing the interface IPrincipalInfo so
it can be used in the zope.pluggableauth mechanism as a good
(suitable) "PrincipalInfo" thing.

To achieve that, I had to move the MyOwnPrincipalInfo to app.py
because I was getting ComponentLookupErrors (I guess if I want it in
another file, I might have to register it somewhere, as I had to with
the permissions thing:

But well... the way I have it now is:

================ app.py ==========
class MyOwnPrincipalInfo(grok.Adapter):
	# My 'user' class, which doesn't have much to see
	# with the pluggable auth mechanism

	def __init__(self, user):
		if isinstance(user, User.User) and (user.id):
			self.id = str(user.id)
			self.title = user.userName
			self.description = str(user.firstName) + " " + str(user.lastName)
			raise TypeError("Unable to provide a PrincipalInfo from a %s" % type(user))

	def test(self):
		log.debug("::test > Checkpoint!")

So I can use that in my own authenticator plugin (a few lines later in
the same app.py)

class UserAuthenticatorPlugin(grok.GlobalUtility):
	def __init__(self):
		super(UserAuthenticatorPlugin, self).__init__()

	def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials):
		if isinstance(credentials, dict):
			if (("login" in credentials) and ("password" in credentials)):
				user = self.getAccount(credentials['login'])
				if user and (user.checkPassword(credentials['password'])):
					myOwnPrincipalInfo = component.getAdapter(user, IPrincipalInfo,
					log.debug("::UserAuthenticatorPlugin > getAccount > Got principal
						%s" % myOwnPrincipalInfo)
					return myOwnPrincipalInfo
		return None

But here's when I realized I all that setup won't work (and well... I
might be wrong... I hope I'm wrong, but this is what I understand it

The pluggable authentication module
does this:
    def authenticate(self, request):
        authenticatorPlugins = [p for n, p in self.getAuthenticatorPlugins()]
        for name, credplugin in self.getCredentialsPlugins():
            credentials = credplugin.extractCredentials(request)
            for authplugin in authenticatorPlugins:
                if authplugin is None:
                info = authplugin.authenticateCredentials(credentials)
                if info is None:
                info.credentialsPlugin = credplugin
                info.authenticatorPlugin = authplugin
                principal = component.getMultiAdapter((info, request),
                principal.id = self.prefix + info.id
                return principal
        return None
The line:
     info = authplugin.authenticateCredentials(credentials)

Is the one that calls my plugin's "authenticateCredentials" method. At
that point, "info" is (finally!!, what I wanted), an instance of
MyOwnPrincipalInfo class.

Then that principalInfo is used in the method def getPrincipal(self,
id) of the same "authentication.py" file. And does this:

principal = interfaces.IFoundPrincipalFactory(info)(self)

I guessed (better said... I supposed) that it follows a kind of
'abstract factory' pattern. I went to check the implementation of that
Factory () and I saw this:

class AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory(object):
    # Yadda, yadda, yadda...
    def __call__(self, authentication):
        principal = Principal(authentication.prefix + self.info.id,
            authentication, principal, self.info, self.request))
        return principal

It's not returning anything with 'MyOwnPrincipalInfo' inside but it's
just the required fields from said "info" instance and creating a
principal with them (Principal which is what "comes" in the request).

If I create a "Test View" (in my app.py) to sneak in the
request.principal, such as:

class Test(grok.View):

	def render(self):
		print("::Test > Got self.request.principal: %s (of type %s)" %
(self.request.principal, type(self.request.principal)))
		print("::Test > Got vars(self.request.principal): %s" %
		print("::Test > Got dir(self.request.principal): %s" %

This is the output:

::Test > Got self.request.principal: Principal('3') (of type <class
::Test > Got vars(self.request.principal): {'description': 'test
firstName test lastName', 'id': '3', 'groups': [], 'title': u'test'}
::Test > Got dir(self.request.principal): ['__class__', '__delattr__',
'__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__',
'__implemented__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
'__providedBy__', '__provides__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
'__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'allGroups', 'description',
'groups', 'id', 'title']

So I guess I have to adapt the Principal, as well... (something like
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman already explained a few mails ago in this very
same thread)

There might be hope for not having to adapt that, thoug...

Going back to the file
and its "AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory" class:

The init looks like like this:

class AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory(object):
    component.adapts(interfaces.IPrincipalInfo, IRequest)

    def __init__(self, info, request):
        self.info = info
        self.request = request

So my belowed "info" thing is inside the Factory object... Now I have
to see if there's a way to grab the instance of
AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory and access its "info" field.

Will keep posting...

Thank you everyone for sheding some light to all this! (and well... if
you can shed some more... it'd be great!)

2011/1/25 Jan-Wijbrand Kolman <janwijbrand at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> On 1/24/11 20:45 PM, Hector Blanco wrote:
>> Do I have to "grok"/register... my PrincipalInfo somewhere?
>> Right now I have it like this:
>> ========= MyOwnPrincipalInfo.py ===========
>> class MyOwnPrincipalInfo(grok.MultiAdapter):
>>       grok.adapts(IPrincipalInfo, IBrowserRequest)
>>       grok.implements(IPrincipalInfo)
>>       def __init__(self, user):
>>               super(MyOwnPrincipalInfo, self).__init__() #Just in case
>>               #more initialization code
>>       def test(self):
>>               log.debug("::test>  Checkpoint!")
>> And then, in app.py I have set up an AuthenticatorPlugin like this:
>> ============ app.py ============
>> class UserAuthenticatorPlugin(grok.GlobalUtility):
>>       grok.provides(IAuthenticatorPlugin)
>>       grok.implements(IAuthenticatorPlugin)
>>       grok.name('UserAuthenticatorPlugin')
>>       grok.context(Server)
>>       def __init__(self):
>>               super(UserAuthenticatorPlugin, self).__init__()
>>       def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials):
>>               if isinstance(credentials, dict):
>>                       if (("login" in credentials) and ("password" in credentials)):
>>                               user = self.getAccount(credentials['login'])
>>                               if user and (user.checkPassword(credentials['password'])):
>>                                       return component.getMultiAdapter((user, ), IPrincipalInfo)
>>               return None
>> ================
> In app.py you have `getMultiAdapter((user, ), IPrincipalInfo)`, however,
> the `MyOwnPrincipalInfo` multi adapter class expects *two* objects to
> adapt, as defined in the `grok.adapts()` directive: an object providing
> `IPrincipalInfo` and an object providing `IBrowserRequest`. That's why
> it is called a *multi adapter* :)
> The `grok.implements()` then tells the component architecture what
> interface will be provided by instances of this adapter class.
> So, I think you need to rewrite the adapter class to this:
>   class MyOwnPrincipalInfo(grok.MultiAdapter):
>     grok.adapts(INTERFACE_OR_CLASS_FOR_THE_USER_OBJECT, IBrowserRequest)
>     grok.implements(IPrincipalInfo)
> where INTERFACE_OR_CLASS_FOR_THE_USER_OBJECT is the interface, or class
> of the user objects you want to adapt.
> The `getMultiAdapter` call then would look like this::
>   getMultiAdapter((user, request), IPrincipalInfo)
> But, you say, there's no request in scope in the
> `authenticateCredentials` call to use for the multi adapter lookup. So,
> maybe you do not really need the request in the `MyOwnPrincipalInfo`
> adapter class?
> In that case you might able to do this::
>   class MyOwnPrincipalInfo(grok.Adapter):
>     grok.implements(IPrincipalInfo)
>     def __init__(self, user):
>       # do your stuff
> And instead of the `getMultiAdapter` call, you do a `getAdapter(user,
> IPrincipalInfo)` call, which has a elegant shortcut::
>   IPrincipalInfo(user)
> HTH, let us know how you fare.
> regards, jw
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