[Grok-dev] What is the difference between zope.formlib and zope.app.form?

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Tue Nov 1 08:01:42 UTC 2011

Op 1 nov 2011, om 01:25 heeft Noe Nieto het volgende geschreven:

> Dear cavemen:
> What is the difference between zope.formlib and zope.app.form?

   Those are different 'form framework'. By order of age and clumsiness to use:

   - zope.app.form,

   - zope.formlib,

   - z3c.form,

   - zeam.form.

   This is just the ancestor, where the developers saw: "Well maybe I should not doing things
   like that, this is not really useable" (i.e. fill in my use-case). zope.app.form was developed at
   the same time than zope.schema, if I am not wrong.  zope.formlib is the second generation, but still
   uses the widgets of zope.app.form (widgets are annoying to rebuild all the time). In recent version
   of zope.app.form those widgets seems to have moved to zope.formlib actually, since nobody
   wants to have anything to do with this old package.



Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands

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