[Grok-dev] Using fanstatic on your widgets

Noe Nieto nnieto at noenieto.com
Thu Nov 24 05:15:46 UTC 2011

I was playing with fanstatic in a custom widget for zope.formlib and i'm
surprised how easy is to need() some javascript resource within some widget.

Here some snippet:

import grok
from zope.formlib.widgets import TextWidget
from yourapp.resource import library
from fanstatic import Resource

myJavascript = Resource(library, 'path/to/code.js')

class MyCustomWidget(TextWidget):
    def __call__(self):
        #Some other stuff
        super(TextWidget, self).__call__()

Aaand, that should do.

Noe Nieto
NNieto Consulting Services
M: nnieto at noenieto.com
W: http://noenieto.com
T:  @tzicatl <https://twitter.com/#%21/tzicatl>
Li: Perfil en LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=84300665>
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