[Grok-dev] Grok Sprint

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 09:24:19 UTC 2012

On 28/01/2012 09:05 , Christian Klinger wrote:
> we want to organize a Grok Sprint at the end of April around (27.4 -
> 2.5) at our office at Novareto [1]. We have are very good metro
> connection to the airport of Nürnberg ( ca. 20 Minutes ).


> Please mark the date in your schedule. :).

It is marked in mine now!

> Possible-Topics:
> - Get the WebSite Online
> - Split catalog into grokcore.catalog
> - Working on grokcore.startup and the wsgi stack
> - new releases

Some additional ideas on the top of my head:

- Future of Grok - what evolutionary steps do we see?
- Register grok.Traverser components per skin
- Alternative form libraries
- "What have we all been doing with Grok so far?"

regards, jw

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