[Grok-dev] Grok-dev Digest, Vol 70, Issue 7

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Tue Jul 17 10:16:48 UTC 2012

Hi Paul,

On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 07:26:44 +0200 Paul Sephton wrote:
> On 16/07/2012 14:00, grok-dev-request at zope.org wrote:
>> If installing a virtualenv is still recommended (and from my point of
>> view it is), we could make it the default (turning ``--virtualenv`` into
>> ``--no-virtualenv``).
>> Beside this we might want an additional ``--download-base`` option to
>> allow download from other locations than PyPI.
>> What would be the cons/side-effects?
> I was under the impression that virtualenv was no longer required?

Under special circumstances, I think, you still want virtualenvs.
Especially with some distributions that package eggs in a way not
compatible with setuptools. That can change from release to release (as
we now have seen with Feodora). As Sylvain said: in 90% of bootstrap
problems virtualenv seems to help.

> An immediate problem I could think of, is integration of the dev
> environment with tools like Eclipse (esp. for code
> completion/debugging).  As it stands, the eggs go in the ~/.buildout
> directory.  This would be different for virtualenv?  How would one tell
> Eclipse to share the same virtual environment?  I have never used
> virtualenv, so it's a bit intimidating :-)
> Speaking of this, integration with Eclipse/pydev/Aptana  is still not
> easy, even with the existence of recipes to help out on that front. 
> There are just so many packages to add to the pythonpath.  If I could
> add an item to the wishlist...

Of course you can :-) Just out of curiosity (as I never used Eclipse
with Python myself): what packages/recipes are required?

Best regards,


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