[Grok-dev] europython?

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 08:00:31 UTC 2012

On 3/20/12 07:01 , Chris McDonough wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone will be attending EuroPython this year.  They
> may (or may not, depending on paid sponsors) have some booth space
> available for open source projects.
> Pyramid doesn't have many European community members, but I know that
> Grok (and Zope, of course) does.  I, sadly, won't be attending EP, but I
> wonder if anyone here might be going.  If so, maybe Zope/Grok/Pyramid
> should try to pool our resources (manpower, schwag, etc) and apply
> together for some sort of promotional space there?

Good question!

I was not able to attend PyCon US but considering going to EP this year.

Anyone else considering? Or perphaps certain already?

regards, jw

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