[Grok-doc] form tutorial needs z3c.widget which needs unpublished z3c.javascript

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Tue Nov 17 15:25:34 EST 2009

Looks great to me!

And I agree that the article works even without widgets. Widgets would  
be a great separate part twoish howto.

Mvh Sebastian

17 nov 2009 kl. 20.11 skrev Jean Daniel:

>> I think it would be possible to rewrite the tutorial to less pretty
>> but working out-of-the-box widget. We'd lose a bit of tutorial  
>> content
>> as .custom_widget isn't demonstrated, so perhaps we can find another
>> widget library to replace z3c.widget. I think thanks to
>> z3c.autoinclude we could also reduce some of the stuff talking about
>> ZCML.
> Hello,
> I did not know where to start to make a workable bug report
> about z3c.widget not being installable. Also, I was hesitating about
> changing radically the article to be consistent with the examples
> of the tutorial and requiring to adapt the code accordingly or
> change the article incrementally to make it work first.
> What this article is about is
> - using schema for build forms,
> - working with validation,
> - and it is about powerful widgets.
> I think I can make a smaller article which only presents
> schema and validation and leave the widgets out, for now.
> Also, depending on the audience we are targeting, either I explain the
> zope.schema and zope.interface, or I consider it a prerequisite. I
> chose to explain the basic things (in a basic way).
> Here is what I had in mind :
> Generating forms from schemas
> =============================
> introduction
> ------------
> .. context
> Web forms are a very common way to request input from the user. In a
> blog application for example, a form to add an article contains the
> title, date and body fields with the 'Ok' button at the bottom, which
> submit the details of the article back to the server. Because an
> article needs to be written, modified and finally published and read,
> the blog application needs three Web pages with few differences: the
> page to add, to display and to edit: both the edit and add pages are
> forms.
> .. what the issue is:  where grok really helps in the area of forms
> Given a definition of the article object, Grok simplifies the work of
> the developer by generating the three pages. The definition of an
> application object is defined in Grok thanks to a **schema**. It is
> defined by the developer via the powerful ``zope.schema`` and
> ``zope.interface`` packages, and these, as the name suggests, are part
> of the Zope Toolkit.
> Validation of user input is also a hot topic of forms. Grok leverage
> the schema's attribute properties to indicate to the user a field
> input error like a typo in an email, in a date, etc.
> Widgets represent form fields in a way which guides and facilitates
> user input. For example, a date field can be represented with a
> tooltip calendar widget, an article body can be presented for editing
> with a rich text editor widget. Grok can add various widgets to a Web
> application.
> .. an overview of the article ( overview of the table of content)
> Part one introduces schemas manipulation, by hand, on the command
> line, and then inside a grok project, viewed through the browser. Part
> two introduces the schema's *constraints* and *invariants* which
> decide whether the form is correctly filled. Part three describes how
> to add of a calendar widget to a form, as well as the addition of the
> powerful TinyMCE rich editor widget.
> .. prerequisite for the article
> To follow this howto, it is easier if you have completed followed the
> Grok tutorial.  You need to be familiar with the *buildout*,
> *setup.py*, *app.py*.
> Schema describes the application objects
> ----------------------------------------
> Let's design the main class of our blog application, the article
> interface class. Interfaces are introduced early to simplify future
> swap between multiple implementation class of the article
> interface. You can think about it this way, interfaces are *what* you
> need, while implementation classes of interface are *how* you want
> it. Even if I am not planning to develop multiple implementations, it
> usually happens, interfaces are a safe development practice and they
> does not hurt much now. A schema *is a* zope.interface class and *has*
> its attributes specified by *fields* from the zope.schema module::
>  from zope import interface, schema
>  class IArticle( interface.Interface ):
>      name = schema.TextLine(title="Name")
>      birth = schema.Date(title="Birth")
>      description = schema.Text(title="Description")
> The IPerson class attributes are defined with zope.schema
> datatypes. There plenty of datatypes available such as Float,
> TextLine, Dict, Password, etc. See `this page
> <http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/schema.html>`_ for a full list.
> [ ... ]
> Constraints and Invariants are expressive validators
> ----------------------------------------------------
> [ ... ]
> Conclusion
> -----------
> [ ... ]
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