[Grok-doc] [Blueprint doc-work-with-forms] Working with Forms in Grok

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Fri Sep 4 05:36:57 EDT 2009

All you have to do is announce on this list that you will edit the  
document. If someone has any objections they can give a shout.

The community docs are maintained on the basis that we trust each  
other to have the best intentions. Losing momentum whilst waiting on a  
goahead from the original author is a bigger problem than stepping on  
peoples toes. As long as the original author gets credit for his work  
(if he is known) then all is good.

Mvh Sebastian

On 4 sep 2009, at 11.14, Jean Daniel wrote:

>> 2009-09-04 = Might need merging
>> I think this might benefit from merging with doc-automatic-form- 
>> generation.
> Yes, I was thinking about that too.
> I have read thoroughly the doc and have neither yet tested the code
> neither taken in account the existing comments. I will be able to do
> that next week. The code seems pretty cool indeed.
> I am not sure I have well understood how I will interface with the
> document and author. Should I produce comments at the bottom of the
> page or should I offer a rst diff against the rst source and an email
> explaining my proposition of changes?
> I think the second option is more efficient.
> I have read these two pages, and maybe I missed another one:
> http://grok.zope.org/documentation/tutorial/contribute-to-the-grok-documentation
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/grok/+spec/grok-docs-review
> Cheers,

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