[Interface-dev] Idea: Interface versions?

Jim Fulton jim at jimfulton.info
Sat Jan 13 20:33:57 CET 2018

I'm reviewing a ZODB pull request that adds an attribute to an interface,
IStorageTransactionInformation, to create a new interface,
IStorageTransactionInformationRaw. Sigh.  I hate having to create a new
interface for such a trivial change.  Sometimes, I punt and define
"optional" attributes.

I wonder if it would make sense to version interfaces to allow interface
evolution without having to come up with new names [1].  IDK what form this
should take.  This is just a thought and was wondering what others might


[1] https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html

Jim Fulton
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